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Working on-the-go: Wi-Fi Security

Posted by: Mia Wilson
on: May 30, 2019
in: Security
It can be all too easy to forget that technology is meant to be utilized as a tool to help us—on some days, dealing with it feels more like taming a beast than swinging a hammer. We live in an age during which the ability (or lack thereof) to use technology effectively can make or break a business but developing this aspect of a company is a daunting task. The turnover rate is so high that sometimes once you finally get to using what was once the latest, greatest tech to the fullest it has already become antiquated and inefficient compared to new methods. That’s why it is so helpful to have a team like the one at RFX behind you—one whose sole focus is technology and making it work for businesses of all sizes. Sharing that vast knowledge base is exactly what Tech the Tool is all about...
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Posted by: Mia Wilson and James Bushong
on: April 26, 2019
in: Business , Technology
With the ever-increasing mobility offered by today’s technology, working is no longer restricted to the confines of the office building. You can easily get things done on a laptop anywhere you can find an internet connection, so why not seek out the comfort of your local coffee shop for a change of pace every once in a while? Before sipping that fresh cappuccino, however, you should...
Read MoreGoing Remote Is it a good fit for your business?

Posted by: Mia Wilson
on: March 29, 2019
in: Business
In modern businesses, remote working is becoming more and more common. At RFX, we have several of our own remote workers and we’re certainly not the only ones! According to a 2017 report on the state of remote work, 52% of employees across the globe work remotely at least once per week—not only that, but of those who currently don’t work remotely, 65% would like to do so at least once a month. As such, it may be wise to consider whether your company could benefit from adopting this practice...
Read MoreHonor Flight Summit 2019

Posted by: Bart Bushong
on: February 25, 2019
in: Rfx
It’s been a while since this blog was last updated, but what better way to get back into the swing of things than by talking about an organization as wonderful as Honor Flight? For those not familiar with Honor Flight...
Read MoreRFX is excited about Cornerstone Legacies Foundation

Posted by: Bart Bushong
on: November 12, 2018
in: Rfx
RFX Technologies has been working to assist nonprofits since 2008. Some ways that we helped out initially is by providing our technology services at a discounted rate. Since 2014 we have expanded to provide dedicated FREE resources to help in a whole different way...
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